Friday 9 November 2007

I'm not feeling well... The pain... It hurts.

It's been a hard week, because the last weeked I had a colic, and had to stay in bed for 2 days, and I had to rely on my band. They did it well, better than myself, and so I got a reward for all my suffering that wasn't little or easy to bear with. We are pleasant to be watched. And that's make me very happy, because I feel all my toil has borne fruits!!!!

And afterwards I got a terrible show at Singapore ;'( Wll not everything at Singapore was bad, no sir.

I arranged our tourbus schedule that's was a little I took a flight to Melbourne where I am supposed to meet my bandmates; Jacques & Thérèse who were a little upset for the delay on the trip. From here, sorry, it's my fault and I will compensate you for every single mistake made.

This pic was taken while I was checking arrivals and delays in the computer to see when my band and the stage equipment would be here in the land of Kangooro , in the Narrowhaven Market's cybercafe. Where I met Eduardo Garrote. I am sure he doesn't remember me (that's what happen when you meet a celebrity) but I met him first some months ago and I read his blog; I took him out for supper, late supper (1:45), and danced with him, and actually this is the first time I find someone who dances better than me, I thought I was going to impress him, but the boot's on the other foot and I got actually impressed.

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